Wednesday, 22 April 2020

maths work book Area Arli

Kia  Ora this is Arli from Greymain school today what i would like to share with you is a numeracy work book about finding the area of all sorts of shapes enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arli

    Great work with your slide show telling us all about the measurement that you have been learning.
    You have given us lots of examples and you have explained it very well. It is all well set out and easy to follow! Great work!

    Hope things are going ok for you ? How do you like online learning?
    I am looking forward to going back to school, feels like so long since I was there!
    I look forward to reading more of your work while we are working from home.

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.