Kia Ora guys and gals today i'm going to share my third explanation piece of writing i have been working on this week it's about how tornadoes form.
Tornados and upside down soft serve ice cream pumping out high and very powerful winds and its twists and turns destroying everything in its path these natural phenomena are the most dramatic types of weather these moody and very agitated funnels HOW DO THEY FORM?! Well lucky for you that's what I'm going to be talking about today.
Tornados usually happen on a nice beautiful sunny day when the blurred blistering sun sends it heat beams too our earth in only 499 seconds that's why light is the fastest thing humans know of in the universe because that's the time it takes to travel 151.4 million km, any ways apart from the interrupting cool facts the sun heat up the ground and our cool air near the surface is heated all cosy and warm and because of that it rises typically this air will develop into a soft silky shallow cloud so called the cumulus clouds but only if our atmosphere is unstable this warm air will continue to rise to staggering heights and continue to turn into tall cumulonimbus clouds the sort you might see during a thunderstorm
Where this happens in an environment where the winds go from mellow to very strong with height, (known as the wind shear) typically when you have strong winds it twist and turns with a frightening whistle well that's what happens to the higher and stronger wind of the large cloud causing that wind to spin and slide down to the less agro wind slower winde below this creates an invisible horizontal wind spinning and rolling like a cylinder powerful warm so called updraughts tilt the cylinder vertically, creating a column of powerful spinning winds causing the cylinder to flip up like a can of soda.
Thunderstorms that exhibit persistent deep rotating updraughts, are a storm named (super) cells
Falling downdraughts of cold air sent down from the (supercell) help to bring the spinning cylinder column downwards towards the ground, eventually the rotation of the column? may become so strongly focused that a narrow funnel of violent air forms if this reaches the ground the tornado is born and living the most powerful tornadoes have speech stuttering winds exceeding 400km per hour and can lift trucks and destroy large buildings.
So everybody be aware if there is a stormy looking cloud on a sunny day because it could possibly be the start of a tornado.
Writing by Arli robson.
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