Thursday, 7 December 2017

numeracy Reflection T1W7

for my numeracy in maths buddy I had to do three tests i got 85% in term 1 set 3 i got 87% in term 1 set 4 and for term 1 set 5 i got 88%. I like my scores i got but next time i'm aiming to get a score around the 90's here is a photo of my test scores and also a link to my test score Test scores

term 4 week 8 Reflection

This week all the year 5's went to shanty town we had to dress up in old days clothes we had to wear a hat with a long sleeve checked shirt we had to role our sleeves up and put the buttons right up to the top and tuck it in you're shorts with a buttoned up vest when ever we went in to the church all the boys had to take there hat of when we went onto the train Mrs barber asked me if i could Cary a bag of gold that someone asked to transport when we got of the the train all of a sudden someone came with a gun and stole it of me after that we found the person his name was honest Pete.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

T4 W6 literacy reflection

This week for literacy I've been working on cast away's and survivor my favourite cast away is Alexander Selkirk here is some facts about him.

Friday, 20 October 2017

W1 T4 literacy reflection

This week for Literacy I done my Argument about if music is more important than sport here it is.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

T3 literacy term reflection

This is what I've done this term for my literacy activities here is a link to all my documents slides and drawings that Mrs Prendergast has tought me here is a link to the hand in sheet to show all my learning I think the most I've learned about this term is whitebait I I have learned so much about them my favourite thing to learn about was my vendiagram comparing creatures you will find all my whitebait stuff and my vendiagram on the hand in sheet by Arli.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

T3 W6 numeracy reflection

This is what I've been doing this week for numeracy I did my prototec basic facts and my fractions

Friday, 15 September 2017

T3 W6 literacy reflection

This is my diagram my info grid and free write for this week 

Sunday, 27 August 2017

T3 W5 numeracy reflection

 this is what I've been doing for numeracy this week.

Friday, 25 August 2017

literacy reflection T3 W5

Here is a screen shot of what I've been doing this week for literacy my anticipation chart my tip chart and my video notes

Friday, 11 August 2017

T3 W3 literacy reflection

This is a screenshot of my prep letter and my personal profile for literacy this week.

T3 W3 numeracy reflection

Here is a screenshot of my basic facts and diagnostics test for numeracy this week.

Friday, 4 August 2017

T3 W2 numeracy

This week for numeracy I've been doing my basic facts my capacity word problem activity here is a screenshot of my capacity word problem and my basic facts.

T3 W2 literacy reflection

This week for literacy I've been doing a KWVL chart a persuasive letter here is a link to my KWVL chart and here is another link to my persuasive letter.

Friday, 28 July 2017

T3 W1 literacy reflection

This is what I've been doing this week for literacy it is my persuasive writing tell me if it persuaded you here is a link to it it's about do you like a holiday in the snow better than a holiday at the beach. 

Numeracy reflection T3 W1

This is what I've been doing for numeracy this week here is a link to a slide of compacity ,  volume , mass and area i think it is a good example for people that don't know what it is. 

Thursday, 6 July 2017

T2 numeracy reflectiion

for term 2 I've been doing maths goals prototec basic facts and a slide on how to do one of my goals. I've learnt how to do division i am on level six for basic facts here is a link to my best results on prototec basic facts. I've learnt with my maths buddy action plan how to do 3 digit addition and 5 digit subtraction here is a link to a slide of how to do 3 digit addition.

T2 W9 numeracy reflection

This is what I've been doing for numeracy this week screenshot of my prototec and a link to my maths slide of three digit multiplication

Term 2 literacy reflection

This is my term 2 literacy reflection this term I've been doing word work journal summary I learnt lots of words like how to spell them the definitions and origins here is a link to a sheet of all my term 2 word work with every single one. I've learnt lots about different words that I didn't even know existed and now i know what they mean and where they come from. I've learnt with my summary I've actually learnt how to do a summary because I didn't know what one was so know I do here is a link to my summary's. Summary Summary summary. I've learnt from the graphic book organiser how to describe a book because I found it hard until i did that here is a link to my graphic book orginiser

Friday, 30 June 2017

T2 W9 literacyv reflection

This i what I've been doing for literacy this week.

Friday, 23 June 2017

literacy reflection T2 W8

This is what I've been doing for my literacy this week my word work and Sonny Storm Robson description.

numeracy reflection T2 W8

This is what I've been doing for numeracy this week my prototec and maths buddy goals here is a screen short of my prototec basic facts and my results of the maths buddy goals i got 60% WALT 5 digit subtraction.

Friday, 16 June 2017

T2 W7 numeracy reflection

This is my prototec basic facts that I did this week for numeracy here is a screenshot

T2 W7 Literacy art summery

Art summary this week I got picked to go to arts talented our teacher was Abi gully she set out a lot of objects on the table like flowers,feathers,pots,bowls,jars,china cat, and red pepper. We had to look accurately at all the objects then we drew them Abi got cool little folders for us then we had to put the drawings in order so we could see the differences of how we have got better in the past few hours then we had to pick our favourite piece of art then paint it we had to do two portraits one of warm colours and one with cold colours by Arli.     

Friday, 9 June 2017

Numeracy T2 W6

This is what I've been doing for numeracy this week I did prototec And a term two maths buddy Action plan Here is a link to my maths buddy Action plan as you can see I would have completed some goals and also here is a screenshot of my prototec

literacy reflection T2 W6

This is what I've been doing for literacy this week I Also added a Silly sentence at the end.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Cross Country

Cross Country

On Monday we had Cross country I think that cross country is a good idea but some people don't I like it because t keeps you fit and it can show you're skill of running and if you do come 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and 6th if you win that you go to west coast and if you win that you go to Canterbury the Highest I've ever got is 2nd by Arli.

Literacy Reflection

This is what I've been doing for literacy this week for word work and here is a link to a blog post on what I've also been doing for literacy it's my cross country persuasive writing

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Art relflection

Image result for robert delaneythis is what we have been doing for art this week we based it on Robert Delaney I did not finish mine because I was sick but I'm going to finish it off the colours that I'm going to use multi colours but I'm leaving out pink the shapes that I'm going to use is a circle and curved lines. the tools that I used was a bowl,cup,pencil,paint,water and paper By Arli.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Numeracy reflection T2 W3

This is what I've been doing for Numeracy this week on maths buddy

T2 W3 litracy reflection

This is what I've been doing for literacy this week I've been doing is my Diamante poem and word work 

Friday, 5 May 2017

litaracy reflection

this is what I have doing for literacy this week Is my word work

numeracy reflection

this is what I have been doing for numeracy this week and I had to publish it into my maths book

welcome to term 2

this is my best work for the week I did it with my friend Riley

Friday, 7 April 2017

Top team games

literacy reflection T1W10


 this is my word work that I have been doing for word work 

numeracy reflection T1W10


this week for maths I finally understand the 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication here is a link to this DLO of steps of how to do the 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication this week also I got 60% you have to get 80% to past the test or over

Thursday, 6 April 2017

kawa of care reflection

This week Madeline came in and she said that we had to make a poster about of the Kawa of care because we are taking our chrome books home so if you are taking your chrome book home here are some tips.

Monday, 3 April 2017

40BC reflection

Ripley's believe it or not Screenshot 2017-03-30 at 10.04.44 AM.pngRipley's believe it or not was written by Robert Ripley there is another Ripley's believe it or not there is awesome stuff like the midget horse that like 2 foot tall and 3 foot long and it is an excellent book and I want to read all of them I think everyone  should read this book.

Friday, 31 March 2017

family fiesta recycled creature

numeracy reflection T1W9

This week for numeracy I have been doing maths buddy 2 digit X 2 digit I have set a new goal to work on my digit  2 digit x 2 digit on maths buddy. this week for numeracy I have also been doing basic facts and here is a link to my numeracy goals that I have finnaly done and if you are having trouble with the same things as me feel free to go to my goals and use the links 

literacy reflection

Word Work this is what I haven been doing for word work this week

Elastic: a stretchable material:lets see how much we can stretch. stretchy material

Confident: having a strong belief or full assurance:I am confident that I will get in grey district. Confident and concentration

Gigantic: something massive,huge,vast and gigantic etc:there is a gigantic rat under my house massive, huge and vast.

Convert: change something to a different form:I got bit by a massive rat under my house and i converted into a gigantic rat. change.

Instantly: immediately: i instantly turned into a gigantic rat

Imitation:a result or product of imitating:i imationed mickey mouse imitation imitated  

Opportunity: an appropriate or a favourable time or occasion:having a go.

camp refection

WALT:write a clear and detailed introduction using the 5 W’s.

Mamaku’s camp was westport it was so fun fun we got to go to the
nile,seal colony,beach,swimming pool,deniston incline and a coal mining museum M1 went first M2 went second M3 went last we went because the whole school goes every year but at different times

Walt:write a detailed paragraphs using bullet points.

  • We went swimming in the nile and caught crabs and a baby eel
  • We went to a coal  town museum and we had to do a coal mining quiz there were lot of old and cool stuff like a cart that you had to tie a knot out of chain and hook it to another cart in 1.6 seconds I did it in like ten seconds,a massive cart that people used to go up deniston hill with
  • We stayed at max well gage (accommodation) center there were lots of bunk rooms there was about nine bunk rooms and a lounge. The outside had a small yard where we played ball tag,crazy tag and noughts and crosses there were lots of places to hide because at the front there are lots of bushes.
  • We went up denniston incline there were two carts and there was a lookout that you could see all over denniston
  • Seal colony was so cool we got to see lots of baby seals some were fighting in a little pond we also got to see one baby feeding

Mamaku one went to camp first to the 6th to the 8th of march and mamaku 2 went to the 8th to the 10th and mamaku 3 went from the 10th to the 13th.

We went on bush walks and we went swimming I traveled in the school van

We went because every year every class goes but at different times and they want us to learn about new stuff every year and this year we learnt about coal mining  and gold mining the worst bit was the constant bay toilets the best bit was

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

40Bc Reflection

Ripley's believe it or  not In ripley's believe it or not was invented in 1930 by Robert Ripley. There is awesome!!! Stuff like someone made there own gingerbread house that was like 60 foot long and it even had a chimney to let you know it was real gingerbread now it is a museum  but thinking about it it makes me hungry it didn't have a picture in the inside so sorry because I could of told more it also had 7,200 eggs 4000 gingerbread bricks and almost a ton of flour and sugar there was also a person who climbed the second biggest structure in the world also there are waves that have glowing glitter in it,coloured ice,a group of tourists who went up to a volcano while it was a erupting,a city made out of ice that was glowing colors,a dragon hedge,elephant saving a dog, a man who lives with three bears

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Friday, 17 March 2017

Literacy Reflection T1W7

Shanty Town
This week for literacy we have been writing an introduction for Shantytown. I learnt how to use the 5 W's to help me. The five W's are Who, What, When, Where, Why. Here is my work.

Word work
My words are procedure,appearance,guarantee, jewellery and buried.I had to put each word into a sentence and write the meanings.

Friday, 3 March 2017

T1W5 numeracy goals

T1W5 Literacy reflections

This is what I have been doing for literacy.I'm in level 6 for spelling I have been writing about 50 most disgusting things I think the most disgusting thing I wrote about is blended tough here is a link to my list disgusting things I have also been doing word work I only got six words in six minutes.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Term 1 Week 4 Electronics

Today M1 learnt about electricity with Andrew. He made a light sensor with us which could sense the level of light in the area we were in. He gave us a LED light and a button battery. The button battery had a side that had a plus on it which meant positive, and a side which had dots on it called the negative side. The LED light had two wires one was longer than the other which meant that it was the positive side. So you put the big wire on the plus side of the battery and then you put the smaller wire on the side where its smaller than the other so the battery is in between so then the LED light will light up.
How to make a light sensor
You put you're LED light in an Data Base without the battery. Then you put your light sensor in the data base then you go somewhere you think is cold or hot. We put ours in the milk bucket filled with milk cartons the LED light will flash how many digress it is. If it is a short flash it means 1 if it is a medium flash it means 10 if it is a long flash it means 100 we got 12 digress.

 Has Andrew ever been to your school?